Photo Club- Speedy hot sake maker

When you drink sake, which style you prefer the most? Hot style? Chilled style, or room temperature? It is a big attraction and unique point for sake that we can enjoy its taste in various temperature.
Among these various drinking temperature, hot style has been loved by people for a long time in sake world. People used to take a certain time and warm it up carefully by directly putting the sake bottle on to a fire or using copper sake vessel.
The picture above shows machine named “Speedy hot sake maker”, and as it name suggests, it can make hot sake speedily; it takes only 5 seconds to heat up sake to 50℃ (122℉)!!
Sake is poured to the top bowl shaped input port and then, by going through inside the spiral pipe which runs through the hot boiled water, sake is heated instantly. This type of hot sake maker is really invaluable things since recently electric hot sake maker is major.
Some drinking bars which have a strong preference for hot sake still use this type of machine. Why don’t you check at your drinking place where you will visit this weekend?