【Kissing Mokkiri Sake Vol.040】
When drinking at Izakaya (informal Japanese style bar) in Japan, sometimes sake is served in this style: server put a glass inside the Masu or sake saucer and pour until sake overflows from the glass. This serving style is called “Mokkiri” and it is said that the degree of overflowing shows the degree of the server’s generosity.
How would you drink this style of sake?
The most familiar style in sake country Akita is that sipping a bit of sake with kissing the brim. In order to spread this “kissing drinking style” throughout the world, we will continuously introduce the attractive “Mokkiri face” of beautiful Akita’s ladies to you.
This Mokkiri beauty is Ms. Mizuho Kikuchi who is active as rickshaw puller at Samurai houses street, Kakunodade, Akita.
“I became a rickshaw puller a year ago. The biggest reason why I chose this job is because I love to communicate with people. In this job, customers frequently ask about Akita’s local food and sake; therefore, I strongly feel the importance to learn more about it through trying them”, she said.
We will ride in your Jinrikisha next time!